We have been waiting with bated breath for this day to arrive. Well, I have at least. The much anticipated premier of the Meteorite Men (
http://www.meteoritemen.com/) series is tonight on the Science Channel (9 PM EST, 7 PM in AZ!) I can’t wait. There will be a premier party at the Sky Bar on 4th Avenue, next to Brooklyn Pizza. The party starts at 6 for milling around, drinks, meeting Geoff, etc. There will be food at 6:30 (pizza, of course!) and the premier starts at 7 sharp. Come on down and join us. The show was made possible by lots of hard work put in by a crew of dedicated people
As most of you know I was fortunate to be one of those people. I traveled with the Meteorite Men crew for 4 of the episodes. I was water girl, mechanic (many, many flat tires that normally the guys handled, whew.), medic, tour guide, errand girl, personal shopper (I was in Wal-Mart more times during that 6 weeks than in the past 2 years) meteorite hunter, and best of all – photographer. Over 6 weeks of doing what I love to do with people I like to be around. Doesn’t get much better than that.
Now under the guise of photographer, I shot many, many photos, only a small portion of which have been made available. So today for the Meteorite Men fans who have already perused the photos on the Science Channel, Aerolite, and Meteorite Men web pages and are ready for more, I thought it was time to provide a little behind the scenes for you.
It was quite the experience working on a TV show. The rest of the crew, all veterans, were kind enough to make allowances for the newby on set. (I can’t tell you how many shots I ruined). The camera guys (and gal) never once yelled at me for bumping into them when I was so focused on getting a good photo and I wasn’t paying attention to where they were. Or that I crammed into some of the small shooting spaces that were already packed full of people. Or that when I was supposed to be shooting photos of the hunt, I was taking pictures of the spectacular scenery, or cows, or puppy, or (fill in the blank) And Sonya only had to discipline me once - that I was not allowed to stop the car (I was driving) to shoot photos of the sunset.
It was a wonderful experience and I can’t believe I was able to participate. Now watch the show on Wednesdays for the next 6 weeks and the reruns, so there is a second season and I get to take more photos!
All photos, though taken by me (except of course the ones I am in), are copyright Aerolite Meteorites or LMNO productions.